Daniel John Keefer
Professional Web Wizard
Enthusiastic Tech Utopian
Husband, Father and Friend
🧔 A little about me
I love tech. They say any sufficiently advanced tech is like magic to the uninitiated, and who doesn't want to be a Wizard? I love to use React and Typescript to turn problems into magic on the internet. Outside of tech, I have been married to my highschool sweetheart for 8 years and have two wonderful daughters. I love to cook as a bit of a zen activity to avoid burnout, my pickled onions are to die for. What's left of my free time get spent telling stories with friends through role playing games. Currently I enjoy helping one of my best friends to develop a rules system for telling stories called Omen.
🚀 The Timeline
Jan 2022
Nov 2021
Mar 2021
Feb 2021
🧑💻 Side Projects
Omen Docs
My friend Ben is developing a new Table top RPG influence by all the best parts of his favourite systems designed to let the story be in the control of the players and not the dice. It has already a very deep rule set with lots of fun mechanics and I built him this website so the rules could be easily accessed by our friends who play. Built with Next.js and MDX
Poke League Tool
My friends were running a couple of leagues amongst our selves and wanted a tool to help them manage their teams. I built this tool to primarily make it easier for us to make a cool little trainer card that displayed the pokemon on each team. Built with React, styled with Ant Design and deployed to Netlify.
🤙 Get in touch
I love talking Star Trek, programming, table top role playing games and philosophy. If you want to break ice, I'll talk on these topics for hours. You can catch me on these platforms: